Resources For Tribes

Resources For Tribes
Tribes play an important role in protecting the nation’s air quality and are recognized as co-regulators along with states and the EPA. Tribal citizens are often disproportionately affected by air pollution, while their governments play an increasingly valuable role in controlling and reducing pollution and its adverse health effects.
On this page you’ll find resources for Tribal air professionals, what various Tribes are doing to improve local air quality, how Tribes and the EPA work together, and youth education materials.

NTAA and Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Resources
ITEP: COVID-19 Resource Page for Tribes
ITEP has created a COVID-19 Resource Page for Tribes to use to access federal and other resources to help Tribes respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
NTAA: Treatment as a State (TAS)
This page contains resources from NTAA and EPA to help Tribes understand and apply for Treatment as a State (TAS) status under the Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). TAS provides that Tribes will be treated in the same manner as states for virtually all CAA programs.
NTAA: Air Quality Monitoring Sites
Locate and view data about thousands of air quality monitoring sites in the US.
NTAA: Energy Development and Transport Sites
Locate and view data about coal fired power plants, natural gas production, pipelines, railroads and other sites involved in the production and transportation of the US energy supply.
NTAA and the EPA maintain the above interactive map sites to assist Tribes with air quality programs and monitoring. Be patient as some of these maps need time to load thousands of data points.
NTAA: White Paper to Senate on Climate Change Policy Recommendations
ITEP: AIAQTP: American Indian Air Quality Training Program
ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) provides training and educational outreach for Tribal environmental staff all over the United States, including Alaska.
ITEP: Air Quality Trainings Schedule
ITEP: VW Settlement
Learn about the VW Settlement and how to access funds to pay for projects to replace eligible diesel vehicles and improve the air quality on your Tribal homelands.
ITEP: IAQTC: Indoor Air Quality in Tribal Communities
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a critical issue facing many Tribes throughout the country. Improving indoor air quality can result in significant improvements in health thereby decreasing medical costs and improving quality of life.

This section is intended to highlight the amazing work done by Tribal Air Programs from across the Nation. From tiny 1-person offices to programs with dozens of staff, Tribal air programs all share a commitment to protecting the health of their people and their ecosystems.
The Aleknagik Traditional Council worked with Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and partners to create several educational videos on Indoor Air Quality.
- Let’s Clear the Air: How To Take Care of Your HRV
- Let’s Clear the Air: Simple Steps to a Healthier Home
- EPA: Clean Air, Healthy Villages
Rural Alaska Healthy Homes Checklist
This checklist is a rapid healthy homes assessment tool developed by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)-Environmental Health Consultation group. It can be used by an environmental worker, clinic personnel, homeowners, or anybody who may be requested to do a home assessment in rural Alaska. The guiding principles of this checklist were adopted from the National Center for Healthy Housing’s Seven Principles of a Healthy Home and modified for use in rural Alaska.
Tribal Air Summit
In September 2019, NTAA hosted a Tribal Air Summit at Alaska Pacific University’s Rasmuson Hall. Links to the various presentations are included here.
- Air Summit Priorities
- Eek, Alaska
- EPA IGAP Grants and Air Quality Projects
- Air Sensor Technology
- OTAQ Tribal Overview
- NTAA’s Response to the Senate
- Office of Atmospheric Programs & Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
- Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
- Quapaw Air Program
- ETEP Data Summary
- Seldovia, Alaska
- The LEO Network
- Office of Air and Radiation Overview
Region 10: Pacific Northwest and Alaska
The Region 10 Tribal Operations Committee Tools for Tribes page provides newsletters, Webinars, Tribal Comment Letters and technical information that may be valuable to other Tribes in Indian Country.
Region 10: Tools For Tribes
Region 5: Great Lakes States
The Tribal Air Resources Journal was started by Tribes in EPA Region 5 to better publicize Tribal Air Quality Program achievements, progression, and struggles to their Tribal communities as well as in Indian Country. The Journal provides Tribes with a platform to promote their accomplishments and successes along with sharing obstacles and setbacks encountered along the way.
- 2021 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2020 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2019 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2018 Region 5 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- NTAA Fact Sheet on U.S. EPA’s Proposed Approval of Revisions to the Minnesota and Michigan Taconite Federal Implementation Plan
- 2017 Region 5 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2016 Region 5 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2015 Region 5 Tribal Air Resources Journal
- 2014 Region 5 Tribal Air Resources Journal
Additional Regional Tribal Organizations

EPA Resources
EPA: Our Nation’s Air: Status and Trends
An introduction to the issues of air quality in the US, along with tables and maps showing long term trends.
EPA: EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
EJSCREEN is an environmental justice mapping and screening tool. It provides a nationally consistent dataset and approach for combining environmental and demographic indicators down to the local level.
Consultations with Tribes
The EPA Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes establishes clear EPA standards for the consultation process. It defines when and how consultation takes place, designates EPA consultation contacts to promote consistency and coordination of the process, and establishes management oversight and reporting to ensure accountability and transparency.
The EPA was one of the first federal agencies with a formal policy specifying how it would interact with Tribal governments and consider Tribal interests in carrying out its programs to protect human health and the environment. The EPA Policy for the Administration of Environmental Programs on Indian Reservations, signed in 1984, remains the cornerstone for EPA’s Indian program.
The Tribal Consultation Opportunities Tracking System (TCOTS) publicizes upcoming and current EPA consultation opportunities for Tribal governments. TCOTS allows users to view and sort information, and to submit comments on a Tribal consultation.
Environmental Justice
EPA’s Environmental Justice Policy describes how agency works with federally recognized Tribes and indigenous peoples throughout the United States, and with others living in Indian country. The seventeen principles of the Policy help EPA protect the environment and public health and address environmental justice concerns in Indian country.
The Policy focuses on EPA’s work with federally recognized Tribes, state recognized Tribes, Tribal members, indigenous community-based/grassroots organizations, Native Hawaiians, individual Native Americans, and others living in Indian country. The Policy also discusses EPA’s work with other federal agencies, state agencies, and other interested groups.
Tribal Air Monitoring Center (TAMS)
The Tribal Air Monitoring (TAMS) Center was created through a partnership between Tribes, the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the EPA. It is the first technical training center designed specifically to meet the needs of Tribes involved in air quality management and offers an array of training and support services to Tribal air professionals.
The TAMS Center provides technical training of Tribal environmental professionals and technical assistance in obtaining and analyzing air quality data. The TAMS Center also provides gravimetric laboratory service for Tribes conducting particulate sampling. Filters and the gravimetric analysis are provided to the Tribes by the TAMS Center.
For more information about training and other TAMS services please contact:
Christopher Lee, TAMS Co-Director
[email protected]
PurpleAir Sensors
The PurpleAir program provides Tribes and other interested parties with affordable new generation laser particle counters to provide real time measurement of particulate matter pollution. PurpleAir sensors are easy to install, requiring a power outlet and WiFi. They use WiFi to report in real time to the PurpleAir Map.
EPA Regional Resources
EPA and NTAA partner with Tribes on a regional level through ten Regional Tribal Operations Committees.
Region 1: New England
Region 2: New York, New Jersey and US Caribbean Territories
Region 3: Mid-Atlantic
Region 4: Southeast
Region 5: Great Lakes
Region 6: Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 7: Midwest
Region 8: Upper Midwest and Rockies
Region 9: Pacific Southwest, Hawaii and US Pacific Territories
Region 10: Pacific Northwest and Alaska

NTAA Partners
Tribal Healthy Homes Network
Since 2009, the Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has provided technical assistance, trainings, toolkits and educational and funding resources to serve the needs of Tribal communities.
National Center for Healthy Housing
This resource library provides an overview of key financing strategies, examples of home-based lead and asthma programs that are currently being financed through nonprofit hospitals and public or private insurance, and links to resources that are available to help state and local agencies, or other stakeholders, explore options for healthcare financing of healthy homes in their own communities.
National Association of Clean Air Agencies
NACAA is the national, non-partisan, non-profit association of air pollution control agencies in 35 states, the District of Columbia, four territories and 116 metropolitan areas.
Moms Clean Air Force
Moms Clean Air Force is a community of over 1,000,000 moms and dads united against air pollution—including the urgent crisis of our changing climate—to protect our children’s health. We fight for Justice in Every Breath, recognizing the importance of equitable solutions in addressing air pollution and climate change. Our mission is to protect children from air pollution and climate change. We envision a safe, stable, and equitable future where all children breathe clean air. In collaboration with Moms, NTAA published a joint fact sheet that provides a summary of the air pollution impacts on Indigenous people. You can view the fact sheet here! Also be sure to check out the round table conversation Air Pollution & Climate Change in Indigenous Communities with Indigenous leaders about the relationship between air quality, climate change, and public health on Indigenous people. You can view the recording here: Moms’ YouTube channel.
Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies
AAPCA, is a national, non-profit organization focused on assisting state and local air quality agencies and personnel with implementation and technical issues associated with the federal Clean Air Act. Created in 2012, AAPCA represents 48 state and local air pollution control agencies,
Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals
ITEP was created to act as a catalyst among Tribal governments, research and technical resources at Northern Arizona University, various federal, state and local governments, and the private sector, in support of environmental protection of Native American natural resources.
National Congress of American Indians – Climate Change
The NCAI Climate Change page addresses the uniquely far-reaching and disproportionate impact of climate change upon Native peoples. In the absence of federal climate change legislation, NCAI works with Congress and the Administration to ensure consistent inclusion of Tribal interests and expertise across the array of climate-related laws, policies, and programs. NCAI also seeks to assist with unifying Tribal efforts to address climate change.
- NCAI: Climate Change
American Lung Association
The American Lung Association is saving lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. We were founded over 115 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to ending the lung health threat of our time: tuberculosis. With TB largely controlled in the United States, we have extended that mission to other respiratory diseases. And thanks to our donors, volunteers, program and event participants, and staff, we are America’s trusted source for lung health education, lung disease research, support, programs, services and advocacy.

Youth Education
Consultations with Tribes
It’s Our Air – Grades 9-12
It’s Our Air is a complete air quality science curriculum for high school Earth Environmental Science Classes with 27 activities and 23 videos covering everything from meteorology to air pollutants to pollution solutions to using models to predict air quality.
- North Carolina Air Awareness: It’s Our Air
AQI Toolkit for Teachers – Grades K-8
Compiled by the US EPA, this Toolkit provides teachers with easy-to-use and engaging lesson plans, activities, and other resources to teach students about the connections between air quality, health, weather, and other related science topics, as well as actions students can take to protect their health and reduce air pollution.
Air Pollution: What’s the Solution – Grades 6-9
Air Pollution: What’s the Solution is an on-line curriculum that uses real time data to guide student’s discovery of the science behind the causes and effects of air pollution.
Smog City 2 – Grade 6-Adult
Smog City 2 is an online interactive simulator that demonstrates how emission sources, population and weather affect air quality.
- EPA: Smog City 2
AIRNow Student’s Website – Grades K-12
The AirNow Student’s website provides students and teachers information about ozone, particle pollution, and the Air Quality Index using colorful characters, animations and music; serves as a portal for Smog City 2.
- AirNow: AirNow For Students
Air Quality Workshop for Teachers: Toolkit for Facilitators
This Toolkit is designed for anyone who would like to conduct an air quality workshop for teachers. The materials are taken directly from the workshop provided each year by the US EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards in RTP, North Carolina. The goal of the workshop is for K-12 teachers to gain a better understanding of air quality and air pollution issues, experience hands-on activities, and gain insight into topics such as global warming and climate change, calculating a carbon footprint, and the health effects of air pollution. The knowledge gained will support the teacher’s classroom instruction and in turn motivate and increase student’s interest in air quality.
Effects of Common Air Pollutants
Poster – 18″x 24″ poster depicts/illustrates respiratory and cardiovascular effects of air pollution and symptoms; available free in English and Spanish. Order from NSCEP Document # EPA-452/F-04-002;
Why is Coco Orange? Children’s book for Ages 4-8
Coco has a problem. He’s a chameleon, but he can’t change colors, and his asthma is acting up. Read how Coco and his friends at Lizard Lick Elementary solve this mystery as they learn about air quality and how to stay healthy when the air quality is bad. This book is for all children, especially those with asthma, and their caretakers. Download a free copy here.
- EPA: Why is Coco Orange?