Now Hiring!

NEW! Prairie Island’s Land and Environment Dept. is looking to advertise a job opportunity. The position will be responsible for implementing and managing the Non-Point Source Pollution (NPS) Program and coordinate aspects of regional environmental compliance and policy related to NPS issues. This position will also assist in relevant activities associated with water quality and environmental monitoring. More info here! Closing date is November 26, 2021.


Moms Clean Air Force is hiring several positions that can be found here.

The open positions include a Senior Policy Analyst, EcoMadres Campaign Manager,

Program Coordinator, Media and Public Engagement, New Mexico field consultant and an Arizona field consultant.


Ambient Air Quality/EPA/NTAA/Tribes

NEW! Office of Research and Development recently conducted planning discussions regarding the WSMART program. One decision we are activating now is a testing partner loan option during periods of lower wildfire activity (winter through early spring), with loans for up to 3 months. The website FAQs were updated today to outline that option (refer to: “Can I request this equipment to try out before the next wildfire season?”):


Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support the hiring of Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons in Alaska, the Northwest, and the Southwest through the BIA’s Tribal Resilience Program (Program). Eligible applicants include tribal non-profit, non-governmental organizations and tribally-controlled colleges or universities (TCUs) that serve federally-recognized tribes. Other entities may participate as sub-grantees. The solicitation is available on, and named BIA-2021-TCRP.


To view and/or receive ITEP’s American Indian Air Quality Training Program newsletter, Native Voices, click here!


Climate Change/Energy


Join NCAI’s Climate Action email listserv here!


Sign up for the Alliance for Green Heat’s newsletter!


To view and/or receive ITEP’s Climate Change newsletter, click here!


Toxics/Mobile Sources

2021 American Rescue Plan (ARP) Electric School Bus Rebates

EPA will fund $7 million for electric school bus rebates in underserved communities. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) appropriated funds to the EPA for “activities that identify and address disproportionate environmental or public health harms and risks in minority populations or low-income populations” under several programs, including the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA).

Rebate Application Form and Supporting Documents

Eligible Applicants

  1. Public school districts listed on the ARP Electric School Bus Rebates Eligibility List
  2. Districts on the eligibility list are estimated to have 30% or more students living in poverty based on the US Census Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) School District Estimates for 2019.


States with zero school districts that make this cutoff will have one school district with the highest percent of students in poverty represented in the eligibility list.

  1. Tribal schools
  2. Private fleets that operate school buses under a contract with an eligible entity listed above


EPA Announces $10 Million Available for States, Tribes, and Territories to Address Environmental Challenges

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the availability of Multipurpose Grant (MPG) funding to support states, Tribes and territories in addressing high-priority environmental issues, including PFAS, environmental justice and climate change. For more information on eligibility, use of funding, process for award, and timelines, please reference the Multipurpose Grant guidance.


Recent additions to OTAQ’s website in August 2021

You can access these additions as well as new press releases and Federal Register notices related to OTAQ on our website.


Indoor Air Quality

Resource for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Check out the website for many resources related to healthy homes and indoor air quality!


The Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN) has a webpage dedicated to Funding Opportunities! Additionally, THHN has developed a Funding Guide for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities.

Most Recent Listing: EPA Rules from the Federal Register can be found here.

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